
Navigating Life's Inevitable Turmoil

Almost every self-help guru out there will tell you to be angry with where you are in life. While it's important to acknowledge & learn from our failures, it's equally important to focus on the positives in our lives. Take some time to reflect on the things you're grateful for & the successes you've had, no matter how small they may seem. Remember that failure is a natural part of life & it's how we respond to it that really matters.

It's my birthday, another trip around the sun. I am wiser than my younger self, yet foolish to my future. Here's to gaining perspective.

My car's engine died. I had just finished paying it off, so I now own the title to a piece of property tax. The air conditioning unit in my apartment was sweating profusely & flooded my son's bedroom. A few years ago I opened a dream restaurant but had to close the doors. I had moved my entire family into the mountains, only to move back closer to the city. I was furloughed from my last job on my birthday & then laid off soon after. A birthday is like any other day, a celebration of life that we take for granted on a daily basis.

A good person dyes events with his own color . . . and turns whatever happens to his own benefit.❞

— Ryan Holiday

Actionable Items:

  • Write down your failures

  • Evaluate where you are in life

  • Embrace change

Grace & peace,