
Redefining Wealth: Looking Beyond Material Accumulation for True Fulfillment

What is the value of money not backed by gold? Financial advisors emphasize investments & assets. The health industry uses marketing schemes to target your health as wealth, pulling you in as a consumer. Don't spend all your money on supplements & memberships.

Setting aside the debate about the economy & consciousness. These accumulated possessions seem real to me. Regardless of whether they’re real is our perception of them. There is a fine line between maximalism & hoarding. I place a greater sentimental value on my possessions than their actual worth.

My friends would get paintball guns & four-wheelers as presents while I received CDs. Envying those who received jet skis. Meanwhile, I obsess over holding on to what I already have. Whether mother donated my Atomic Purple Gameboy & collectible Pokémon cards to Goodwill. I may never know. Besides, it may be time to let go.

The only way to get rich without getting lucky is to continuously invest in yourself.❞

— Naval Ravikant

Actionable Items:

  • Let go of material possessions

  • Let go of the past

  • Reflect on true fulfillment

Grace & peace,