
Trusting Humanity: The Importance of Seeking Help & Mentorship

My trust in humanity has hit a low point as I find myself misled & betrayed, all because I wear my heart on my sleeve. It seems as though I've been the naïve prey, dangled before the cunning fox without a second thought. Yet, I've come to realize that I need to be bolder & set clear expectations when dealing with others. Owning the power of attention, it's crucial to be mindful of the room & its dynamics. People are always watching, even waiting for you to stumble & fail, so they can learn from your mistakes.

Trying to shoulder everything on my own has been my mistake. I now understand the significance of finding mentors to guide me along the way. I can't master every field, but I can learn about various subjects & seek guidance. Taking everything into your own hands can be costlier. You cannot redirect time. A mechanic specializes in fixing cars, an advisor in managing finances & an architect in constructing houses. Let the experts handle their respective tasks.

Reflecting on my journey, I realize that I've lacked guidance & mentorship. Without seeking the wisdom of those who have walked similar paths, I've struggled. It's time to change my approach & start asking for help.

Birds of a feather flock together.❞

(English proverb)

— Robert Kiyosaki

Actionable Items:

  • Read “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki

  • Stop trying to do everything yourself

  • Seek guidance & mentorship

Grace & peace,